It is essential to create a market demand for re-used items. There are a number of barriers which prevent consumers choosing re-used items. Local authorities can work to remove these barriers through their communications campaigns.

Common barriers which prevent consumers re-using items include:

  • view that re-used items inferior, unreliable products
  • image-conscious consumers may not want to buy second-hand goods or exchange items
  • stigma of using someone’s old items

In order to encourage re-use it is essential to break down these barriers through information provision and communications. Work also needs to be done to support partners so that high quality, desirable items are available to exchange or purchase.

WRAP have produced How to guides aimed at encouraging more partnerships between local authorities, waste management companies and third sector organisations. Relevant guides to help increase demand include how to write a communications plan to boost re-use and also how to produce a re-use action plan.



Re-use and recycling