A platform to share and collate data on food loss, waste and surplus in primary production, on a sector-by-sector basis, including context about the quality of the data, variability, crop type and country.

Key Points:
  • In order to better understand food waste in primary production, WRAP collated a dataset from existing literature.
  • Please get in touch to access the existing dataset and to submit your research and new data points.

Food loss and waste at primary production is probably the least well understood and measured of all stages of food supply chain. The measurement can be costly and the result can vary from farm to farm and year on year. WRAP has launched a data sharing platform to which research institutions around the world working on this subject can contribute to, and use the data held in it, to compare their research results with. WRAP has initially populated the platform with data from publicly available literature. The platform in Microsoft Excel is currently orientated towards ‘European and North American’ agricultural systems.

WRAP is willing to share the database with those organisations that have new data which they are willing to contribute to it or which have funding for new research and would like to understand where the most important data gaps are and subsequently contribute the data arising. Access and use of the platform is subject to agreement to the terms and conditions of use. Updates to the platform will occur periodically.

To request the data set please email WRAP'S Primary Production team.

Download files

By downloading resources you are agreeing to use them according to our terms and conditions.

These files may not be suitable for users of assistive technology.

  • Terms-and-conditions-of-use-Data-Sharing-Platform.docx

    DOCX, 34.18 KB

