This guide provides practical advice to compost producers about the production of quality composts that are consistently fit for purpose as growing media constituents. It also aims to inform growing media manufacturers and growers about quality composts and how they can be used in growing media.


Commercial and amateur growers of vegetable transplants and ornamental container-grown/ pot plants have traditionally used mainly peat-based growing media but awareness is growing that peat bogs must be preserved due to environmental reasons.

There will be increasing pressure on both amateur gardeners and commercial growers to reduce the amount of peat they use and to use more environmentally acceptable alternatives, perhaps based on recycled resources.

Increasing numbers of retailers, landscapers and amateur gardeners are now demanding peat-free or reduced-peat growing media, although the use of peat-reduced or peat-free growing media in commercial container production systems is increasing more slowly due to a number of technical reasons.

This report details good practice for those seeking to supply this demand and provide composts to growers, gardeners, landscapers and other professionals and amateurs working in the horticulture industry.


To find information related to that detailed in this report, please use the following links:

Compost production for use in growing media >>

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