This report details a high level market study into non-mechanical recycling technologies.

Exploring the opportunities and challenges associated with non-mechanical recycling and highlighting the importance of innovation and collaboration between industry and government to drive progress in this field.

WRAP has carried out a high-level market study into non-mechanical recycling technologies. This is to help progress the UK Plastics Pact roadmap, as non-mechanical technologies may be vital in achieving not only the 70% effective recycling rate but also enabling the average 30% recycled content of packaging. There are several companies developing alternatives to conventional mechanical recycling, to allow for greater recycling rates and to achieve higher quality outputs.

The purpose of this report is to:

  • Provide a broad overview of the key non-mechanical recycling technologies;

  • Outline the opportunities that non-mechanical recycling is offering the UK as it moves towards a circular economy;

  • Highlight the challenges faced within non-mechanical recycling;

  • Demonstrate the role non-mechanical recycling has to play alongside traditional methods of recycling; and

  • Suggest priorities and recommendations of industry and government to help incorporate non-mechanical recycling technologies in UK recycling infrastructure.

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  • WRAP-Overview-of-Non-Mechanical-Recycling

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